
Welcome to my webpage! First things first!

Who am I? My name is Dhanashree. I was born in India ( yes I like spicy food! ). I am passionate about technology. Apart from being a Software Engineer, I am a trained salsa dancer and an awesome cook (self proclaimed!). In my free time I like to eat!

What do I do? I am currently pursuing my Master’s in Computer Science at Arizona State University. It all started with my Undergarduate degree in Computer Engineering from Pune University. I got to experience handling real world problems when I worked for Tibco Software Ltd. from 2013-2015. My thirst for knowledge landed me an admit from ASU. Since then I have been pursuing my dream of becoming a better Software Engineer.

What am I looking for? Summer Internships! I am interested in fields like software security and system programming the most.


I can say I am quite good at..

Programming Languages: C++ , C , Java , MIPS

Scripting: Python , JavaScript , Ext JS , PHP , Ruby

Databases: SQL , MySQL , Cassandra

Operating Systems: Ubuntu , Windows , Linux

Version Control & API: GitHub , SVN , SOAP , REST


Implementation of thread libraries to solve classical multithreading problems ( C , C++ )

Methods to explore vulnerabilities in encryption algorithm. Unlock certificates and explore its contents using asymmetric encryption ( C++ , Java )

Buffer overflow attacks and vulnerabilities using Linux ( C )

Chrome Extension to save bookmarks in form of HTML5 canvas pages ( CSS , HTML , JavaScript )


Automation of money transfer: Worked on Tibco’s Event-Handling tool ( Java , Tibco BE ). Increasing resource utilization: Worked on the Tibco integration tool ( Tibco BW , XPATH , SOAP , SQL ). Automation of back-office functionalities: Worked on the web-app which enabled the automation ( SOAP , XPATH , XML , CSS , Sencha , Ext JS , SQL )


Worked on a column oriented database project ( Java, Cassandra ). Successfully developed an open source solution to email archival which is significantly cheaper, more scalable and faster than row oriented databases



Drop me an email and we will talk!